Creating new milestones
Where brands are infused with soul
Taking digital strides
Where acumen meets analytics in web adventures
Sparking innovations
Where vibrant creativity is the official credo
Setting new benchmarks
Where excellence means pushing the boundaries
how a b r a n d gets a soul
A brand is something that exists in the consumer’s mind. It has certain values, an image, sometimes even a ‘brand-personality’, qualities that distinguish one product, service or company from others in the category. The qualities are usually built into the brand perception using advertising techniques. However, we at Green FMC have found that technique is not always the key. Something else is.
We infuse every brand, with a soul – a unique identity that resonates with the consumer. It helps her take informed purchase decisions and inspires trust. We accomplish this by combining keen insights into consumer behaviour vis-a-vis market trends, shrewd strategizing, breakthrough creative application and innovative execution.
What W e d o
Corporate Branding and Identity
The purpose of a logo is to symbolize a company’s name, values, its unique offer to consumers and how it is different from its rivals. At Green FMC, we take it a step further. We invest the brand identity with an element that reflects the company’s strategic vision, or, quite simply plants the brand name and symbol in the fertile brain of the consumer. A similar approach is employed in all branding exercises ensuring consistency.
Print and Production
There’s nothing ‘old school’ about the print media. Veterans on our team point out the evolving tastes and reading habits of consumers of the print media (newspapers, magazines), how brochures, inserts and leaflets still hold away and how to achieve the perfect colour, tone, language and print quality. They know what works and what doesn’t. Result: print-worthy content, consistent with the brand’s visual identity.
Broadcast Media
Green FMC also offers expertise in creating content for the audio-visual media. Broadcast media is an integral part of our branding solutions. Right from conceptualizing and scripting to production and post-production, we can deliver TV Commercials, radio jingles, corporate films and documentaries, with impressive turnaround time. All of the broadcasting mediums thus fall under our mighty umbrella of services.
Digital Media
Our 3-D world now has a fourth dimension: Digital. Today, almost every individual, group and organization has a digital self to conduct business, communicate with stakeholders or simply socialize on the Internet. Our team includes experts in branding across all digital platforms. At short notice, we can create exciting content for a webpage, website, e-commerce portal, email template or even just a buzz on social media.